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Request for Proposals

Request for Proposals


UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Communications Support for the project Improved health literacy and access to health care services of Roma women and girls in Serbia”

calendar_today 26 August 2024

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UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Support to development of the Special Report on disability-based discrimination including analyses of intersectionality and denial of reasonable accommodation in the area of employment”

calendar_today 18 July 2024

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Invitation for Proposals for conducting an assessment of the local context and manage analyses of the in-depth assessment of the priority target group needs within the Joint UN Programme PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature

The Joint UN Programme PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature (Programme) is designed to contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of citizens through improved local governance, social inclusion, and environmental protection in 110 cities and municipalities throughout Serbia. The Programme is jointly implemented by the United Nations Serbia organisations - UNOPS, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNEP, in cooperation with the Government of Serbia, and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland, in the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026. The Programme will also provide support to a number of informal waste pickers, affected by the modernisation of the waste management system on the territory of those LGs covered by the Solid Waste Programme, co-financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and French Development Agency (AFD). This output of the Programme (output 2.5) aims at enhancing livelihood recovery and access to public services relevant to social inclusion such as health, education and social protection.

calendar_today 16 February 2024

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UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Supply of IT equipment”

UNFPA Serbia Counry Office is introducing and managing some new partnerships and expanding the existing ones, which is creating an additional burden to the office functioning. Serbia CO engaged additional local support staff for which additional IT equipment is necessary.

calendar_today 26 November 2023

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DEADLINE FOR THIS RFQ HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO MAY 14, END OF THE DAY: Communications Support for the JP Peer Mentoring Programme implemented by UNFPA and UN Women in Serbia

UNFPA and UN WOMEN hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Communications Support for the JP Peer Mentoring Programme implemented by UNFPA and UN Women in Serbia”

calendar_today 14 May 2023

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UNFPA is seeking a construction/architecture company to perform UNFPA office renovation. Renovation will consist of construction work, adaptation of electrical installations and furnishing of workplaces. Detailed list of needed work is presented in a table form. This Request for Quotation is open to all legally-constituted companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to deliver in the country, or through an authorized representative.

calendar_today 27 October 2022

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