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Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are


UNFPA Global

UNFPA je agencija Ujedinjenih nacija za seksualno i reproduktivno zdravlje. Naša misija je da obezbedimo svet u kojem je svaka trudnoća željena, svaki porođaj siguran i da potencijal svakog mladog čoveka bude ispunjen.

We promote gender equality and empower women, girls and young people to take control of their bodies and their futures. We work with partners in more than 150 countries to provide access to a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services, with the goal of ending unmet need for family planning, preventable maternal death and gender-based violence and harmful practices including child marriage female genital mutilation by 2030.

Our moto is "Ensuring rights and choices for all"


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Executive Director

Dr. Natalia Kanem

In a career spanning over three decades, Dr. Natalia Kanem has dedicated her life to improving the health and lives of women and children by championing their rights and choices. She leverages her combined expertise in science, public health and philanthropy to advance the reproductive health and rights of women and girls, and to uphold the human dignity of all.

As United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, Dr. Kanem oversees its life-saving policy, development and humanitarian work in over 120 countries, with the aim of assuring that ‘every pregnancy is intended, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.’

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Šefica UNFPA za Srbiju

Šefica UNFPA za Srbiju

Borka Jeremić


Gospođa Borka Jeremić je šefica Kancelarije Populacionog fonda Ujedinjenih nacija (UNFPA) u Republici Srbiji.
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