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REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - “Designing and editing UNFPA visual content and photography services”

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - “Designing and editing UNFPA visual content and photography services”


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UNFPA hereby solicits a quotation for the following service: “Designing and editing UNFPA visual content and photography services”


In order to enhance visibility and visual appearence, especially visual online presence, UNFPA Serbia wants to use digitalisation to promote their work and engage more people. Visual content is expected to be prepared carefully, creatively and thoughtfully by professional(s) and in cooperation with UNFPA. This Request for Quotation is open to all graphic design/videograher/photography teams and companies that can provide the requested services and have legal capacity to deliver in the

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the lead United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency for ensuring rights and choices of all. The strategic goal of UNFPA is to achieve the three transformative results: ending unmet need for family planning, ending maternal death, and ending violence and harmful practices against women and girls. In pursuing its goal, UNFPA has been guided by the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action (1994), the Millennium Development Goals (2000) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2015).


Service Requirements/Terms of Reference (ToR)
Background information:
UNFPA CO requires services of agency for photography, film editing and preparing materials for social media distribution. Additionally, UNFPA Serbia CO is planning to do other short videos and similar materials for social media during the year marking miscellaneous international days and weeks, anniversary, festivals (i.e. Work Population Day, World Contraception Day etc.).
UNFPA CO requires photography, postproduction and production/shooting services regarding video editing, sound and mix design, editing and designing social media posts and animation. Those services are needed on ad hoc basis and will be paid based on actual working hours/days, per job or per piece.

The selected entity should be able to provide the following services if and when requested:
Task 1: Photography services;
Task 2: Video materials editing as per UNFPA Serbia instructions;
Task 3: Sound design and mix for video materials;
Task 4: Animation and design services for video materials;
Task 5: Design and graphic solutions for various social media posts;
Task 6: Editing and image processing;
Task 7: Agency should be able to provide adequate video equipment for shooting.

Final products may carry UNFPA logo or be clearly specified that it was developed with UNFPA support depending on product requirements. Work will be done under the guidance and supervision of the Head of Offices and/or appointed staff of UNFPA, who will check and approve all deliverables.

Timing / Schedule:
Working schedule will be determined by the needs of the CO, during the period of one year.

Questions or requests for further clarifications should be submitted in writing to the contact person below:
Amir Mehmedagic, mehmedagic@unfpa.org

The deadline for submission of questions is 2nd of March 2022, 12:00 CET.

Instructions for submission
Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines set forth in the document, along with a properly filled out and signed price quotation form, and are to be sent by email indicated below no later than: 6th of March, 2022, by the end of day.

Contact: Serbia Country Office
Email address of contact: procurement.serbia@unfpa.org