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National Consultant - The lead expert for strengthening local capacities for reducing age- based discrimination within the UN Joint Programme PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature

National Consultant - The lead expert for strengthening local capacities for reducing age- based discrimination within the UN Joint Programme PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature

Belgrade, Serbia



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Purpose of consultancy:

The UN Joint Programme PRO - Local Governance for People and Nature (PRO LGPN) is designed to contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life of citizens through improved local governance, social inclusion, and environmental protection in 99 cities and municipalities in two regions: i/ Sumadija and Western Serbia and ii/ Southern and Eastern
Serbia. The Programme is jointly implemented by the United Nations agencies - UNOPS, UNICEF, UNFPA and UNEP, in cooperation with the Government of Serbia, and with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland, over the period of four years (from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026). UNFPA’s component within the PRO LGPN Programme is focused on i/ building capacities of local governments and other relevant local public entities for implementing social policies and services, ii/ addressing the rights and needs of left behind groups, iii/ enhancing family-centered public service delivery and iv/ improving the quality of life of older persons and youth in Serbia.
The Republic of Serbia is among the European countries that record the largest share of older persons in the population. According to data from the Statistical Office of Serbia (SORS), the percentage of people over the age of 65 is 21.3%, meaning that every 5th person is older than 65. Furthermore, the mean age has increased from 40.2 in 2002 to 43.5 in 2021.
In 2021, the UNFPA CO Serbia supported the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in drafting the Special Report on Discrimination against Older People in Serbia. The Report is very accurate, and comprehensive, and provides evidence on the status of older persons in Serbia, identifying a roadmap for further actions through multi-sectoral discussions between public administration, local authorities, members of the parliament, professional communities, media, and NGOs. The Special Report addresses that age is the second most frequent reason for discrimination complaints in Serbia, right after disability. In September 2021, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and UNFPA CO Serbia organized the National Dialogue on Ageing and Ageism. The event brought together ministers, independent bodies, NGOs, international organizations, media, and all interested partners focusing on
older people in Serbia. The National Roadmap Call to Action to Stop Ageism in Serbia adopted at this event, calls for the collective action of partners in Serbia to address ageism, work with local self-governments, media, and educational activities that enhance empathy and dispel misconceptions to help decrease ageism.
UNFPA CO Serbia is engaging three national consultants, one as a lead expert, and two researchers to strengthen local capacities for reducing age-based discrimination within the PRO LGPN Programme (Output 2.4, Activity 2.4.1). The National Consultant - the lead expert recruited under this assignment, will lead the team, consisting of two researchers, and
coordinate the process of increasing local governments’ (LGs) capacities for combating ageism and discrimination based on age, by developing a model Programme for combating ageism. Evidence-based feedback from the LGs will contribute to the development of the comprehensive model programme for the Resource Centres for Intergenerational Cooperation (RCIC) which will be developed within the PRO LGPN Programme. Within Output 2.4, Activity 2.4.1, 12 round table discussions among relevant stakeholders (LGs, Municipal Assemblies, CSOs, older persons, media, CSWs, etc.) will be organized in 12 LGs for promoting a changed narrative about ageism while observing the recommendations from the Special Report on Discrimination against Older Persons and the National Roadmap Call to Action to stop ageism in Serbia.

LGs and Municipal Assemblies in which the activity will take place will be selected based on predetermined criteria (the number of complaints to the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in those municipalities where the rights of older people are most violated, recommendations from the Ministry of Labor Employment Veteran and Social Affairs, etc), as well as expressed interest through an open and transparent Call for Expression of Interest to participate in this activity. The draft Programme for combating ageism and feedback  provided by LGs will be formulated in recommendations adjusted to the needs of participating LGs and presented in the National Parliament to inform the development of the new and revision of existing national-level policies and strategies. Extensive participation of the Board for Human Rights at the National Parliament is envisaged under this activity. Evidence collected from the LGs will generate recommendations to inform the next report of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality to the National Parliament.
The National Consultant - the lead expert will report to the UNFPA Head of Office, the UNFPA PD Programme Analyst, and the PRO LGPN Programme Assistant. The team of three experts will cooperate closely with the local LGs, Municipal Assemblies, National Parliament, Board for Human Rights, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Ministry of Family Welfare and Demography, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, National council on older persons and aging, National council for improvement of intergenerational cooperation, Red Cross of Serbia, and CSOs.


Qualifications and Experience:

1. University degree in economy, law, social sciences, or related field. Master’s degree/PhD is considered an advantage;
2. Experience of at least five years in coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating projects;
3. Experience in working with governmental, international organizations, and NGOs; both at a national and local level with social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
1. Good knowledge of national policy and practice in the Republic of Serbia, national laws and by-laws, key players both at the institutional as well as local levels and understanding of challenges in Serbia and globally, related to aging and rights of the older persons;
4. Analytical skills, communication skills, and the ability for coordination and group/teamwork;
5. The ability to meet deadlines and dates and to prioritize multiple tasks;
6. Strong organizational skills, self-motivated, result-oriented, and proactive;
7. Excellent communication, writing, and editorial skills both in English and Serbian.

Applicants should send their resume (CV) with a motivation letter to vacancies.serbia@unfpa.org, no later than 9th October 2023.

For more information, download the full Terms of Reference.