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National Consultant for conducting the policy scan/economic analysis on Gender-Responsive Family Policies (GRFP), undertaking the analysis of the compatibility of the national legislation and the EU Work-Life Balance and developing policy scenarios on GRF

National Consultant for conducting the policy scan/economic analysis on Gender-Responsive Family Policies (GRFP), undertaking the analysis of the compatibility of the national legislation and the EU Work-Life Balance and developing policy scenarios on GRF

Belgrade, Serbia



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Purpose of Consultancy:

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), is an international development agency that works to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. UNFPA is the lead UN agency that expands the possibilities for women and young people to lead healthy sexual and reproductive lives.

Gender equality as a prerequisite for the health and development of families and societies, is a driver of economic growth and a key contributor to sustainable development. In order to ensure women’s autonomy and ability to live with dignity, good health and adequate support, central to achieving universal access to reproductive health and reaching the goals and targets of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action in the region, gender-responsive family policies (GRFP) will provide a policy framework for that. These policies address in particular parents roles by helping them to balance work and family life as well as addressing desired fertility so every pregnancy is wanted. GRFPs are increasingly being recognized as an important part of national social policies and social investment packages aimed at reducing poverty, decreasing inequality and promoting positive parenthood behavior and gender equality on the household level and society overall.

UNFPA has been promoting and supporting the implementation of GRFPs in the private sector and the national legal framework, as a means to expand choices for women and promote gender equality.

With support from the Austrian Development Cooperation, UNFPA is implementing the second phase of “Expanding Choices Gender - Responsive Family Policies for the Private Sector in the Western Balkans - Phase 2”, a three-year programme which focuses on gender-responsive family friendly policies through private sector and government engagement in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia). Specifically, the programme aims to improve legislative and normative frameworks promote and foster GRFP in the private sector to support more inclusive labour conditions and opportunities, by working on the following three objectives: i/ strengthen capacity of targeted governments and policy makers to design, implement and monitor GRFPs, ii/ support private sector stakeholders to implement family-friendly workplaces and iii/ improve awareness of regional and country stakeholders on gender-responsive family policies, gender equality and inclusive development. In order to support Serbia in adopting more GRFPs, the UNFPA CO Serbia will engage a National Consultant who will conduct the policy scan/economic analysis on GRFP, undertake the analysis of the compatibility of the national legislation and the EU Work-Life Balance Directive (Directive 2019/1158), and develop policy scenarios on GRFP that are evidence driven. GRFPs help women and men balance work responsibilities with family, care and domestic obligations. These policies typically focus on time, finances and/or the services parents and caregivers need. When they are gender-responsive, they support the equal redistribution of unpaid care and domestic work without perpetuating harmful gender norms and roles, and contribute to sustainable growth and gender equality.

The National Consultant is expected to execute the following tasks/activities: 

Task 1. Conduct a review of existing policies/national legislation and economic frameworks pertaining to Gender Responsive Family Policies (GRFP) in Serbia. 

Task 2. Conduct a thorough comparison of the provisions of the EU Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on work-life balance for parents and carers and repealing Council Directive 2010/18/EU and OECD best practices with Serbian national legislation using the Transposition Table (see Annex 1).

Task 3. Develop policy scenarios on GRFP by identifying gaps and discrepancies between Serbian laws and the EU directive, offering recommendations for legislative transposition and proposing amendments to Serbian national legislation to facilitate the effective transposition and implementation of the EU directive provisions, aligning with international standards and best practices.

Task 3. Prepare a draft report documenting the findings of the policy and economic scan analysis, scenario development, and legislative transposition proposals specific to Serbia. 

Task 4. Deliver the finalized report in Serbian, including all analysis findings, policy scenarios, and legislative proposals relevant to Serbia.

Task 5. Present the report to relevant stakeholders in Serbia, including government officials, policymakers, and representatives from civil society organizations. 

Task 6. Perform any additional tasks as requested by UNFPA leadership, especially within the specific domain where the consultant holds expertise.

Qualifications and Experience: 

  • University degree in social sciences, law, economy, or related field;
  • Good knowledge of existing gender-responsive family policy framework in the Republic of Serbia and EU and OECD countries;
  • Good knowledge of national and international laws and by-laws, particularly EU Directives, key players both at the institutional as well as local levels, and understanding of challenges in Serbia and globally, related to the improvement of the gender responsive family policies;
  • Analytical skills and communication skills;
  • The ability to meet deadlines and dates and to prioritize multiple tasks; 
  • Strong organizational skills, self-motivated, result-oriented, and proactive; 
  • Excellent communication, writing, and editorial skills.
  • Fluency in English and Serbian is required. Good knowledge of other local languages will be considered an asset.

Expected duration from: 29 April 2024 - 30 September 2024 (to invest up to 12 days).

Applicants should send their resume (CV) and Motivation Letter to vacancies.serbia@unfpa.org no later than 18 April 2024.

For more information, download the full Terms of Reference.