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Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health

Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health
Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health


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Danijela Korać-Mandić


Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health

Publication date

05 March 2020

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This qualitative survey was carried out in the period from June to November of 2019 in an attempt to reveal how young people aged 15 to 16 search and find information about sexual and reproductive health. Previously conducted surveys on reproductive health of young people revealed that the main sources of information were the peers, media (television, radio), parents and school; the role of the Internet was not mentioned in the surveys. The initial assumptions were that nowadays the adolescents primarily focus on Internet as the source of information on sensitive issues. 

The survey was carried out within the project „Access of adolescents to information regarding sexual and reproductive health – qualitative survey“ the main objective of which was to contribute to promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Serbia. In addition to the research activities, the NSHC website on sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people „Važno je da znaš“ („It is important that you know”) (www.vaznojedaznas.org) was also refreshed and upgraded.