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International Youth Day

International Youth Day


International Youth Day

calendar_today 12 August 2023

Youth Day in Sremski Karlovci
Youth Day in Sremski Karlovci

[Belgrade, 12 August] – Today, on International Youth Day, we celebrate the vitality, potential, and aspirations of young individuals worldwide. 

According to the latest Census, young people aged 15-29 constitute 15.8% of the total population in Serbia, a decrease of nearly 4% from the previous Census in 2011.  This demographic trend highlights the need to improve the status of young people and provide them with more opportunities to express their views, needs and aspirations and shape the future they want in Serbia.

Research of the status and needs of youth from 2021 shows that the level of youth participation in social life and decision-making offers room to be further increased. Currently, more than two-thirds of young people feel hesitant to engage and contribute to the work of bodies that make decisions of importance for young people.

In order to empower young people to fully reach their potential, and actively participate in all aspects of life, contributing not only to their own development but also to the development of the entire society, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) supported Ministry of Tourism and Youth of the Republic of Serbia in developing the first Action Plan 2023-2025 for the Implementation of the  Youth Strategy which was adopted on 6 July.

“In the focus of our work is always a young person. That is why it is extremely important for us to, through partnerships, reach out to all young people who are in very different positions, with different life experiences, and different needs. Through the strategic documents that we bring, we strive to recognize all these differences and specific needs of young people and, working both at the national and local levels, to reach each young person individually,”- stated Ms. Ivana Antonijevic, Assistant Minister at the Ministry of Tourism and Youth.

The Action Plan was created in a broad consultative process that involved representatives of institutions, ministries, academia, civil society, youth organizations and youth representatives.

In parallel, the Ministry of Tourism and Youth and UNFPA  have been working on the development of the composite index - Youth Wellbeing Index, which reflects the structure of the Youth Strategy. The Index will be used as an innovative tool for monitoring the status of youth and the implementation of the youth policy at the national and local level. 

„ We are happy that in the following period, we will continue our joint efforts in creating an environment that nurtures youth participation, and healthy lifestyles, while prioritizing the enhancement of young people's mental health and overall well-being. Through our joint action, we can create solutions tailored by young people and for young people“- stated Borka Jeremic, Head of Office of the UNFPA in Serbia.