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State of World Population 2015

State of World Population Report

Shelter From the Storm: A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world

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Addressing the Needs of Women and Girls in Humanitarian Emergencies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

State of World Population Report

A regional overview supplementing UNFPA’s State of World Population 2015

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Well kept family secret- elder abuse


The objective of the research was to collect the data on the frequency of elder abuse in Serbia, as well as data on different types of elder abuse. The results of the project were also used to provide intervention recommendations for the decision makers in order to ensure improvement of the status of older people and deprecation of elder abuse in Serbia.

Research was conducted by the Commissioner for Protection of Equality and Red Cross of Serbia with UNFPA support. 

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Minimum Standards for Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence in Emergencies


Practical guidance on how to mitigate and prevent gender-based violence in emergencies

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Evaluation of the National Youth Strategy (NYS) of the Republic of Serbia


The present document is the final report of the evaluation of the National Youth Strategy (NYS) of the Republic of Serbia, adopted in 2008, and its Action Plan (AP) 2009 - 2014, conducted by Yael Ohana & Marija Bulat for the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia (MoYS) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Serbia between September and December 2014.


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Market Segmentation Research


This Market Segmentation Research was conducted with the support of UNFPA being one of the recommendations of the evaluation of FP services conducted in 2013. The purpose ofthe research is to assist the Ministry of Health for ensuring access of the entire population to FP/RH services and contraceptives, with a special attention for vulnerable groups.

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Assessment of the Family Planning Services in the Republic of Serbia


Family planning is a strategic investment in women, communities and nations, yet it is still an unattained luxury many take for granted. In 1994, world leaders charted a new course for global sexual and reproductive health and rights at the ICPD Conference held in Cairo, Egypt. For the first time the health and rights of women became a central element in an international agreement on population and development when 179 countries/governments adopted the Plan of Action. The agreement calls on Governments to eliminate gender inequality, ensure access to sexual and reproductive health care and family planning and upholds the rights of individuals especially women, to freely decide when and if to have children. Appropriate family planning is important to the health of women and children by: preventing pregnancies that are too early or too late; extending the period between births; and limiting the number of children. Access by all couples to information and services to prevent pregnancies that are too early, too closely spaced, too late or too many is critical.


The purpose of the evaluation is to support the Ministry of Health in the assessment of the family planning services in the country, with particular emphasize on family planning realities and needs in Sandžak region.

In particular, the evaluation conducted:


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